bharatvedic: 2015

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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

How to increase sexaul stamina with Yoga practices

Here are some Yoga asanas which improves the Sexual ablity 

they are 


1. Lie down striaght keeping your both hands under hips and legs together.

2. Raise your two legs together in L shape facing your toes up.

3. next raise even your back upwards just like I shape and keep it for three breathes. helps in back strenghten, BP, stress relief.

4. streach your two toes upwards perform upto three minutes.

5. Now bring your legs two L shape and hold for one breathe.

6. Than come into savasanam lie straight on floor keeping your legs and hands free open from body.


1. Lie straight down keeping your both palms facing ground near to hips and legs together.

2. And now Raise your two legs togather streaching toes upward in L Shape and take one deep breathe.

3. Next Bend all over by pushing with your palms towards ground till the two legs togather touch the ground over the head.

4.Taking deep breathes hold in this posture atleast forone minute.

5.Now  Gently pull legs back to L shape posture and take a deep breathe.

6. Than come down backwards to ground, rest Position relax by spreading your legs  hands free from body in savasan.


Shitkari Pranayama

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Best out of meditation

Meditation  is one of the techniqe where our body falls into its own responsibilities

for example  feeling good for our self, getting free out of thoughts,

in order to perform meditation

firstly we have set our self lonely out of thoughts or regular thought decisive world .

then focus on body and their sense organs like sound, smell , sight, touch and taste.

the end output of meditations is to be feeling the various sense of body are active.

meditation on the first attempt may not bring maximum.

it as to habbitted like a routine

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Natural remidies for flu and cold relief to make feel good

Below are few remidies to make feel good during flu or cold

         first to avoid congested nose drink more water to free your mucus

        secondly if your are suffering from sore throat ,drink hot tea (with out milk )with added honey and lemon or ginger which controls growing bacteria in throat.

       A thirdly if your suffering from cough, cut a lemon into pices and add salt on to the piece with enough black pepper and suck the juice.

       during flu headache is another incomfort to over come, so go with fruits rich with magnesium like almonds.

       RUNNY NOSE  -  put some drops of salt water of 1/2 teaspoon in distilled water .

       FEVER  - do something to increases blood circulation.